Stuffed Jalapenos


Where did Stuffed Jalapenos come from?

The term Jalapeno Popper came about around 1972 in Texas from what I have read and if wrapped in bacon was referred to as an Armadillo Egg. No wonder that name never caught on! It is said that it is most likely Tex Mex remnant of the Chili Relleno.

20151210_132243Jalapeno poppers came about by stuffing them with cheese, meat, spices or a combination thereof, and usually breaded and deep fried. It is akin to Chili Rellenos, those are stuffed as well, but only using Poblano peppers. Poblano peppers are not really hot, with just a tiny bit of heat that anyone could eat them.

Jalapeno poppers are tasty morsels of spice and chomp. However, with a lot of us out there, we are painfully aware of healthier eating of the do’s and don’t s. Not saying that every now and then we cheat and do those ‘don’t s.’ Because they are so yummy.

20151210_134211There is another alternative to the breading and the frying. Yes, there is a God Mother of Cooking. You can take these jalapenos, make sure to get the largest, fattest ones there are and stuff to your hearts content without breading or frying. There are several easy, quick and really tasty dishes to be made from jalapenos that you and your guests would love, if they like a bit of spicy.

This appetizer or treat or snack can be made in a few minutes, depending upon how many you are making. Nevertheless, there are several recipes to choose from and are a great way to serve on a minutes notice, or unexpected guests or even a late night snack. And the best part about this dish is it doesn’t have to be “off” the diet, meaning, there are no carbohydrates from direct sugar or starches. There is an added plus to this dish, being a hot pepper, it has the thermogenic effects to your body that could help to burn calories, what a helpful food!

Usually, our bodies expend more energy, burning calories to process (digesting) proteins than fats or carbohydrates. So that would mean that you process, or rather burn about a third of the calories in lean protein of what you have just eaten! Pretty cool, how the thermogenic effect works. Who doesn’t like to eat? OK, now, about the carbs…they take some energy to burn, about half of that of protein and fats are easily processed and has a very low thermogenic effect.

Most any food has carbohydrates, but most people tend to think “carbs”, such as sugar, potatoes, noodles, rice, any starchy foods and they would be right. But there are good carbs, such as vegetables, grains and milk-dairy products. Carbohydrates are macronutrients. What are macronutrients you ask? I’m glad you did. Macros are types of food that our bodies require. They consists of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. It is also referred to as the chemical compounds found, such as magnesium, potassium, calcium that all living things need, not just in humans but in plant life as well to be healthy.

20151210_134801Now let us explore the micronutrient, it is the trace minerals/trace elements or vitamins found in such foods that are also essential to good health and development for our bodies. But remember, it has a name ”micro’, due to the small or minute amounts in them and is required for our bodies.

Our bodies need energy and is obtained through our foods we eat. Carbohydrates (good or the bad) is our body’s main source of energy. Like feeding a fire, we need to eat to maintain our energy, out mind’s thought process and health. Do we live to eat, or eat to live? These carbohydrates gives us the oxygen, hydrogen and it has carbon, which we as in earthbound beings are carbon based and our bodies need this in a cellular level to function. Our bodies are pretty smart if we only listen to it!

20151210_140247Just for note, your body does not produce macronutrients of it’s own, we need to consume these carbohydrates, proteins and fats to obtain and maintain life.

Jalapenos are fun to make, great to chomp on and can give you a kick! Not to mention endorphins, but that is another article!

Here is some food for thought! Stuffed jalapenos, pickled jalapenos, fried jalapenos, boiled, broiled, grilled, steamed, roasted, toasted, braised, smoked, dried, ground, chopped, mushed, mashed, dehydrated just to name a few. Hope this was fun to read and tickles your tongue to make some!

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Stir Fry Japanese/Chinese Fusion


What exactly is Stir Fry?

20151209_133415This is a funny and subjective question isn’t it? It is what it states — ‘stir fry’. Stir fry what? Stir fry anything! Stir fry really is a technique. But most of us use the word stir fry synonymous with Asian cooking. Stir fry can mean: saute, pan fry, sear, griddle or even over the BBQ. Just for note, stir fry originated in China preparing their grains centuries ago, until recently in the 20th century did the Chinese people start stir frying in their own homes. Prior to the 20th century, only the affluent and restaurants had the funds for the oil or fuel to stir fry. Amazing what modern technology and funds can do for a person, let alone a country!

20151209_134215So let’s get down to business of the stir fry. Most people think stir fry is like a goulash-throw everything into a fry pan or wok, I would say they might be partly right… but so not right! It is the semantics or the interpretation of the cooking and not so much its ingredients. With that said…

Stir fry is a method of cooking that is usually quick, with or without sauce, and could be with any type of vegetable, meat, seafood, nuts or legumes. I think you might start to see the picture.

20151209_135919Stir fry is a description of how it is cooked, the technique, however, for the ingredients, there is a method to stir fry.

Okay, you have a nice large wok, super! Now what do you do with it? Most people rarely use it, but once you know what, how and why or even when to use it, you’d use it most of the time! Yes, most of the time. Why, you ask? Because of it’s utility. It cooks quickly, usually only one pan to clean, and is healthier. You might inquire healthier? Yes, healthier due to the fresh ingredients you put in. Who doesn’t like fresh vegetables better than canned? You might ask yourself, I use fresh when I have time to cook and use canned 20151209_142652otherwise. OK, but you have a freezer don’t you? So fresh is not out of the question compared to canned. Next, you don’t have time to cut or chop the veggies or meat, that is an excuse! If you are making a meal once, why not cut or chop extra so that it can be frozen and utilized another day? Yes, you come home, don’t have “time” to prep and cook, ah, but you have the extra bag(s) of “stir fry” in the freezer! Take it out, thaw a bit and then “viola” into the wok and you’re done! It is a quick, easy and healthy meal. Now don’t get me wrong, the taste you can change up, the flavor of the sauce or viscosity can be created to make a different dish!

20151209_144456Eating is this fashion you’ll find you become healthier, even loose weight and feel great! What more can cooking do for you? We eat because we’re hungry, happy, sad or depressed. But if we are conscientious of what we eat, then that’s half the battle to longevity, health and happiness. Isn’t cooking and eating grand!

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Chicken Corden Bleu


What exactly is Chicken Cordon Bleu?

Did you know that Cordon Bleu refers to a meat encased around or wrapped around a filling, such as meat and cheese, then breaded and either pan fried or even deep fried? Sounds simple, but not so simple.

20151227_173016Where did the name Cordon Bleu come from? Cordon Bleu in French translation means “blue ribbon”, which originally was worn by the highest order of the Knighthood in the 1500’s, but hence forth, this terms refers to foods prepared to a very high standard and to award the exemplary chefs and cooks. Think of it as a cord of blue, a blue ribbon as prized awards given.

20151227_174817Cordon bleu can be made with veal, ham, chicken traditionally, however, you can make your own cordon bleu. Usually the veal, or chicken is pounded by a mallet to thin and widen, then a slice of ham and cheese is rolled inside-known as a roulade, a roll. Then it is breaded and fried or baked. With a ham cordon bleu it is stuffed with mushrooms and cheese. So as you see, it can have many variations in itself.

Now you are asking yourself, what type or kind of cheese? Usually, most people use Swiss with chicken cordon bleu, but it is up to you and your palate what you want. This is why this dish can be so much fun. You can be as creative as your palate wants to be. Yes, usually, the cordon bleu has a meat and cheese rolled up in it …call it a fancy pigs in a blanket, I’m joking. Seriously, can you think of other ideas, right off the bat? I sure can! But I digress.

20151227_204208Chicken cordon bleu is a dish most everyone knows about or has heard of it, however, not necessarily eaten. Why you might ask? Perhaps they never went to a restaurant that served it, or didn’t know what it was, or afraid to make it at home. Don’t let the name ‘Chicken Cordon Bleu’ intimidate you! It is a fancy name, it is a fancy dish, but you can make it.

20151227_204343dOkay, so now that you know basically it is a meat roll with cheese, it doesn’t seem so intimidating does it?

It is a matter of what is cooked, how it’s cooked and how it’s served. That is the final product… your masterpiece!

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Bok Choy Chinese


What is Bok Choy and what can I do with it?

Did you know that Bok choy has over 70 antioxidants, 21 nutrients and provides lutein and omega 3s and so much more?

20160118_153446Some of you are aware of and have eaten Bok choy or sometimes called Pak choy or baby choy. But did you know that these cruciferous vegetables are a member of the cabbage family? And that they really pack a punch when it comes to your nutrition and health? These nutrients and phytonutrients kick up your energy and fights off toxins. These little veggies are ranked one of the highest nutritional vegetables due to the amount of 21 nutrients and this includes omega-3s and zinc, which is a mineral that has antioxidant properties. This Bok choy has not only antioxidant benefits, but also anti-inflammatory benefits, and is low on the Glycemic Index (GI).

20160118_153736Bok choy’s antioxidants help to fight off free radicals in our bodies and there are studies regarding antioxidants and caner prevention. Everyone knows that it is said that broccoli, kale, cauliflower, cabbages and other vegetables promote healthy bodies and good in nutrition. There are studies that bok choy provides lutein and over 70 antioxidant phenolic substances as well as being one of the higher vitamin A vegetables. Pretty good punch for a little veggie!

20160118_154941You can find bok choy at any Asian store or sometimes at the local grocery store, you could always ask the manager. Bok choy is easy to spot, it has a bulb at the bottom with stem type stalk with rounded leaves. Kind of looks similar to the Fennel bulb, without the skinny stalk top part being fuzzy leafed.

Bok choy stalk should be firm, the stem/stalk could be white or even a greenish or yellow color. However, if they have green leaves, make sure to get the greenest leaves, if they are starting to get older, the leaves may start to get yellow spots and wilt. Bok choy is readily available and prevalent in winter through spring; however, now a days with shipments to and from all over the country you can get them most times of the year. The price may vary of course due to supply. Upon obtaining your bok choy, store in a plastic baggie with all the air expelled and tied up. It should be good for about a week.

20160118_160008Bok choy, is a joy! It only take a few minutes to cook and so good for you. This vegetable is so versatile, you can serve it as a main dish is you are vegetarian or vegan or utilize it as a side dish with a multitude of variations or versions to keep up the romance with this vegetable.

It is quick and easy to cook, several ways to cook it, and so many ways to serve it, what more can you ask for in a magnificent little bulb from the cabbage family? You can leave it whole or chop it, dice it slice it. Then fry it, steam it, or boil it. Serve it with mushrooms, onions, or any combination of other vegetables. Just remember that some vegetable have a strong flavor and if you really want the bok choy to come out, you might consider what vegetable you pair it with.

20160118_160812Bok choy can be served with various flavoring such as: garlic, ginger, salt, pepper, shoyu sauce, fish sauce, Hoisin sauce, Oyster sauce, vinegar, with or without a bit of sugar, miso and so much more.

Just for note, the larger the chunk of garlic the milder flavor to the bok choy, the smaller the garlic mince or grated it is stronger and has more surface to flavor and incorporate into the dish.

20160118_160956Since I love this little munchkin, I quickly saute it with some garlic and sometimes ginger, shoyu sauce and Hoisin or Oyster sauce…that’s it. A quick toss in the wok or large pan and ready to eat! Only takes about 3 to 5 minutes to cook, before that 5 minutes to wash and prep/cut…so less than 10 minutes! My rice takes longer to cook! Speaking of rice, bok choy can be served as a side dish with meat, seafood or any other vegetable and can be incorporated with noodles as well soup.
If you leave garlic or the ginger in larger slices or chunks, remember to put them into the wok first, so that they can cook before putting in your bok choy. However, if you minced or grated, add them during the bok choy cooking process.

20160118_162041Here are some other greens and names you might see at the Asian store:

  • Yu choy similar to bok choy and at times come with attached yellow flowers that are edible
  • Gai choy also known as Chinese mustard greens – Recommended that these are blanched to take away the bitterness prior to cooking – the dark yellowish green leaves are curled, has a spicy bite, but the red leaves type have a Wasabi flavor, whoa, nice
  • Shanghai bok choy has light green leaves and somewhat a pale yellow-greenish stalk, This is basically used in the same way as baby bok choy, just a little different version of the bok choy, still mm good.

It’s a vegetable waiting to please you in so many ways; try it today and get healthier, feel better and get more energy!

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Laab Gai (Thai chicken salad)


What is Laab?

This is a very versatile dish, you can make a main meal from it or use it as a meat salad.
Traditionally it is made with minced or ground chicken (Laab Gai) or pork (Laab Moo) meat and you may find ground liver incorporated within.
It can be made from various meats or even a vegetable. The aromatic flavors enhance the senses with a bit of garlic, just a hint or more if you like of chili pepper, lime, the salty tickle of fish sauce and some herbs really make this dish ‘pop’!

20160111_153748You can eat this with rice, noodles, or wrap it up in lettuce, cabbage or put it in spring rolls. So many options to eat with. One of my favorite is having a small gathering, and set the serving table and let your guests make their own wraps. Kind of the Asian version of making your own tacos. The plethora of a smorgasbord in your mouth!

All the textures, flavors, aromas of each of the ingredients satisfy your palate as well as all your other senses. It is easy to make, easy to serve, less clean up for you, and your guest can indulge in the simple pleasures experiencing and experimenting with eat bite!

20160111_155227If you like it hot and spicy, you can make this as hot and spicy as you want. If you like a milder, toned down version, easily accomplished. If you don’t want meat, no problem, you make the wraps as you want.

Let me set the table for you, your friends are coming over and you want to ‘wow’ them with your creation. It may or may not be something they are familiar with, and if they are, they will love it!

20160111_155938Envision this on your table:
A large platter beautifully arrange with your Laab, in the middle of your table, then just to the left is a medium size bowl of rice with a few thinly sliced green onions sprinkled on top, then on the right of the platter is another bowl with white rice noodles gleaming with seasoned oils beckoning you.

20160111_161712Then off to the left is a huge bowl or platter with lettuce leaves, such as romaine, bib lettuce, cabbage leaves. In the front of these 4 offering are the various sides of colorful vegetable dishes smiling at you. Then you look in front of all this you see all the seasoned sauces, yes there three of them. One is the salty, vinegary hot spicy fresh hot pepper sauce, then the regular red spicy sauce and wait there’s one more…this is a sweet chili sauce with just a bite of spicy. Are you hungry yet? I am!

20160112_194434Most people think it is Thai, however, it originated in Laos. Thailand has their own version of Larb. Several Asian countries share this dish. Here are some example of how it may be spelled, Laab, Larb, Lap, Laap, Larp, Lahb depending upon what country it may be. Laab is a minced/ground meat dish, considered a salad and the national dish of Laos. Thailand is also known for this dish due to the influx of people from Laos and of Laotian decent in Thailand. Most always Thai restaurants serve this dish, not many Laotian restaurants around to check out.

20160112_194941Laab is so tasty, it can be made from various meats, such as pork, chicken, turkey, beef, duck, veal, seafood/fish or vegetarian with mushrooms. I have an alternative for meat in this dish that any vegan can enjoy.

The primary ingredients are meat, lime, chili, garlic, fish sauce, roasted ground rice and herbs that are blended together to make a scrumptious meal. Let’s eat!


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Bechemal/Mornay Mac & Cheese (French Mac & Cheese)


What is a Bechamel or Mornay Sauce?

20160118_172304We owe a depth of gratitude, and appetite to Marie Antoine Careme and Georges Auguste Escoffier to being the ‘Father’ of the five (5) Mother Sauces that are used in everyday cooking around the world.

Bechamel is a white sauce made from flour, butter and milk or cream, and begins from something called roux. Simply, it is a french technique to make a gravy, a sauce to incorporate into your cooking. Bechamel is the base sauce for many of the roux recipes.

20160118_173022In France there are five revered sauces, called ‘mother sauces’ and Bechemal is the first and Mornay being the second with cheese added to the white Bechamel sauce. Thereafter follows the Veloute Roux with most often chicken, vegetable or fish stock (white) and (brown-from beef or veal). There’s Espangnole, a roux with brown broth/stock; then the Tomato red, which is roux and tomato. And last but not least and my favorite is the Hollandaise, which is made with clarified butter, egg yolks and lemon or white wine. Mm-mmm, yum. Of course, we can’t forget the Bearnaise, it’s an off shoot of the Hollandaise, with added herbs.

20160118_173320French cooking in general does have a lot of calories. Yes, with all the yummy sauces, there is no doubt; however, it doesn’t mean that we can’t eat it occasionally. But when you do, isn’t it nice to know and appreciate whence it came and what you can do with it.

The originator of these 5 sauces came from Georges Auguste Escoffier, a French chef and restaurateur and culinary writer in his day back in 1846. He was a trail blazer with French cuisine and lead the way of these popular sauces, which we now call the “5 mother sauces”.  He simplified and adjusted these techniques to cooking as we know it today. His technique was based on the foundation of Marie Antoine Careme, which was known as one of the systematic organizers of French Haute cuisine.

20160118_173403Just to clarify. Excuse the pun… with clarified butter there are three ways to make a gravy. One is making a roux then adding your liquid to thin to desired viscosity, or a reduction which is made from a liquid and cooked down to desired thickness, such a a glaze and the emulsification method. This method is utilized with the Hollandaise sauce. When two ingredients such as butter and lemon are mixed together, that are polar opposites – they really don’t adhere or mix well with each other, thus the imperative egg yolk comes into play. The egg yolk becomes a binding (catalyst) agent to combine these ingredients together making a delicious smooth sauce. Hollandaise is the only mother sauce that is emulsified, the other four use roux.

20160118_173549Let’s get started with the many ways that a roux can be used. The Bechamel can be used in so many ways, such as sausage and gravy on biscuits. Or perhaps a topping on a casserole, such as Moussaka. Then there is always the Mornay, in which cheese is added to the bechamel and there you have it, a gooey, thick  macaroni and cheese dish or addition to a souffle. You can added whatever ingredients you want or need to make it your own. Take mushrooms for example, or perhaps onions or even leeks. You can add mustard, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce or hot sauce, or a number of other ingredients to flush it out. Also, don’t forget your seasonings, herbs and spices to tickle your tongue and please the palate!

20160118_173842Basically bechamel is made by equal parts of butter and flour to make your roux, then the addition of your liquid, such as milk or cream to desired thick or thinness, with flavorings of choice. Mornay has the beloved cheese added. It seems easy and it is, but you must be ever so careful not to burn the roux, or you’ll need to start over. Square one is no fun, wasteful and time consuming.

Here is a quick rundown on the roux, just remember the 3-4-5-6 ratio rule. Once the amount of roux is made, then adding the liquid gives you:

  • 3 oz of roux to 1 quart of liquid equals — light or thin sauce consistency
  • 4 oz of roux to 1 quart of liquid equals — medium consistency
  • 5 oz of roux to 1 quart of liquid equals — a thick-ish consistency
  • 6 oz of roux to 1 quart of liquid equals — a really thick, heavy sauce

20160118_174904Bechamel and Mornay can be used with or poured over a multitude of dishes, such as asparagus, cauliflower, lasagna, middle eastern dishes as well as croquettes and so many other foods. I could go on and on, but I’ll start to get hungry. What is that saying… don’t shop when you’re hungry. Now I’m going to say don’t write when you’re hungry, or you’ll write on and on. So I will close by saying experiment and have fun eating.

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Rice Balls (Onigiri) Japanese

What is an Onigiri?

20151209_152115Onigiri is a very popular comfort food in Japan. It is a Japanese ‘rice ball’. Eaten for breakfast, lunch, and even dinner. Easy to make and handy when traveling, since it needs no refrigeration. Bento (lunch box) is a ‘takeout’ or home packed meal (lunch or dinner), and traditionally has rice, pickled or cooked vegetables and fish or meat. They come in a rectangular or box shape disposable bamboo or plastic containers, unless you have and make your own meal.

20151209_152246Onigiri or rice balls as they are sometimes called, is rice formed into a square, triangular, oval or round ball and may be stuffed with various ingredients. They can also be wrapped, covered or sprinkled with Nori (seaweed) and other seasonings, like Furikake. Some people refer to it as ‘sushi’, but it really is not, other than the fact it is made with plain steamed rice. Nigiri basically means rice that is formed into a shape and most sushi restaurants make ‘sushi’ with it. It has seasoned rice vinegar to make it a “sushi” rice, hence incorporated into the sushi family. Plain steamed rice is not sushi. Seasoned rice vinegar in rice is considered sushi rice. I hope this clears any confusion.

20151209_152452Some say that Onigiri is made with plain steamed rice, which would not be considered ‘sushi’.

But most Asian places due to traditional methods make the rice with the rice vinegar or powdered vinegar. Several reasons for this, first is that the vinegar in the rice helps preserves the rice and the stuffing inside would normally be filled with salty, sour, or pickled items which also helps to preserve the rice which requires no refrigeration. And the vinegar also seasons and flavors the rice. They can sit on the kitchen counter for 24 to 48 hours, in cool room temperature. If you live in hot and humid area then only a day.

20151209_153252If you are traveling and want to make Onigi for your flight, car trip, bus trip, boating or event, you might want to stay with the salty and pickled ingredients. I have made Onigiri for long air flights. I made some for my Hawaii trip. Then another time a road trip from New York to Florida., and even for our boating/fishing day on the Gulf and the funniest of all was when I made some and took them to a football game! The good old days when you ‘could’ bring in food. Of course I shared some. People inquired ‘what is that?”. So I proceeded to tell them and shared some Onigiri. They liked it! I’ll take Onigiri over hot dogs any day! Although my husband likes hot dogs too.

20151209_153519If you make plain steam rice, then it should be eaten right away within hours.

But if you are going to eat them fairly soon with in hours, you may insert other type of fillings, such as meats or other ingredients which would need to be eaten soon or be refrigerated. See below some common fillings you may find or may want to buy.

Just for note: Shio- means salt

20151209_154109Non refrigerated filling Onigiri:

  • Takuwan (yellow pickled radish)
  • Umeboshi (Japanese salty pickled plum)
  • Shio kombu (salty kombu seaweed)
  • Beni Shoga (red shredded pickled ginger)
  • Pickled Cucumber (Tsukemono or Sunomono)
  • Shiozake – shiozake (salted salmon)
  • Gari (pink or beige sliced pickled ginger) type at Sushi Restaurants
  • Katsuobushi or okaka (bonito flakes moisten with soy sauce)
  • Tarako (salty cod roe).

20151209_155538To be Eaten right away or will need refrigeration: Any chopped, diced, minced meat-poultry or fish fillings

  • Sloppy Joe meat (dry style)
  • Hamburger
  • Hot dog – Spam – sausage
  • Beef, pork, chicken, turkey etc.
  • Fried fish,

I think you get the idea, you can fill the Onigiri with most anything you like, as long as it is dry content and will hold within the rice ball.

If you want your Onigiri to taste authentic, look great, and be presented with style, learn the secrets and the techniques of the Japanese rice ball!

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Rice Bowl (Chirashizushi) Japanese


What is ChirashiZushi?

Japanese Rice Bowl made with a multitude of scattered ingredients.

Generally, Chirashi means scattered, hence the Chirashi rice bowl. Scattered food on top of rice. Zushi is akin to ‘sushi’, raw fish and vegetable on ‘sushi’ rice, which means that the steamed cooked rice is seasoned with rice vinegar or rice vinegar powder that is available at your Asian grocery.

20151231_182901Traditionally sushi rice is used, however, Chirashi rice has a bit more vinegar mix into the rice compared to regular sushi rice used in making sushi maki (rolls) or nigiri (balls of rice with fish or other topping). Also, Chirashi rice can be used warm, unlike sushi rice making rolls or nigiri is cooled rice.

You can use regular steamed rice without the rice vinegar/powder, but it will not have the “flavor” that makes this dish the “Chirashi bowl”.

20151231_185012This is a healthy, quick and ultimately forever dish, What I mean is that the toppings are limitless! Cooked, raw, meat, fish, vegetables, etc. in any combination thereof. A very versatile dish for any occasion. It’s like taking a pair of jeans and dressing it up or down. You can make it as elaborate or as casual as you want by how many toppings, what kind of toppings and of course, having an array of colorful topping are very aesthetic to the eye and palate!

20151231_185850If you are going to use raw fish, make sure to go to a quality and knowledgeable fishmonger or seafood store or ask the seafood department at the supermarket if they carry “sushi” grade fish and how long ago it came in. Try to buy it when it comes in fresh! It is important that is sushi grade and can be eaten raw.

20151231_191633Just for note, people think “any” salmon can be eaten raw…NOT the case, only sushi grade ‘deep sea-salt salmon’ is for sushi, NOT fresh water salmon! Be aware of this. If uncertain ask the fishmonger.

Tuna is just as important, there are different ‘grades’ of sushi quality, make sure if eating raw, get the right kind!

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Rice Bowl (Bibimbap Bok Choy) Korean


What is Korean Bibimbap?

20151222_143350This is a very popular Korean dish and a signature dish in Korea. The word Bibimbap is translated to mixed rice. Not to be mistaken for fried rice. Bibimbap is similar to the Japanese dish called Chirashizushi. Bibimbap is a bowl of rice served with various vegetables, meats, fish and gochugang (Korean chili paste), soy sauce or doenjang (fermented soybean paste). Usually, beef is served on top with either a raw or cooked egg along with various namul vegetables. In Korea, ‘Namul” are seasoned and sauteed vegetables served as side dishes with rice.

20151222_145406Similar to the Japanese Chirashizushi -rice bowl dish, the Koreans have different versions of the Bibimbap dishes too.

Hoedeopbap is a version of bibimbap, this utilizes a variety of raw seafood, similar to Chirashizushi, however, it only has ONE type of sushi (raw) fish in the bowl. You can order tune, salmon, squid, octopus or whatever seafood you want. The word “hoe” means raw fish.

20151222_145638Yukhoe bibimbap is a Korean style steak tartare. It is raw fresh beef (filet mignon or a good lean cut of beef) and is usually seasoned and on top of rice, along with namul/vegetables. This is my favorite, next to Hoedeobap (raw fish).

Another variation is Dolsot Bibimbap, means stone pot. It is served in a very hot stone bowl with rice .

20151222_151522The bottom of the bowl is coated with sesame oil which crisps up the bottom of the rice that is placed in it. The bowl is so very hot it sizzles anything that goes in for a couple of minutes, mmm like fajitas, can you smell it yet? Usually a raw egg is placed against the side of the stone bowl and cooks the egg. The other vegetables (namul) is placed on top and round the rice.

20151222_151843Any or all bibimbap can be served with gochugang (Korean chili paste), soy sauce or doenjang (fermented soybean paste) as a sauce for your bowl.

Most Koreans take the bowl and mix all together and eat.

Personally, I like to eat it as-is — separate in my bowl, having each and every bite a different taste, texture and flavor. You can drizzle a little shoyu sauce on top if you like.

jal meok-ge-sseum-ni-da is a Korean expression of thanks before a meal.

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100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats

A slice of Strawberry Cheesecake

Learn to make healthy desserts like this strawberry cheesecake

Fast Food doesn’t have to mean Junk Food. If you’re eating on the run, or fighting off a snack attack, you have alternatives. And I’m NOT talking about rice cakes!

Imagine no chemicals or added sugars in your healthy raw treats. Raw doesn’t mean plain, like celery or carrots.

Raw means full of nutrition, getting your minerals, vitamins and feeding your body what it needs! You are what you eat. These recipes are delicious, easy to make…no cooking, what does that tell you? No hours of laboring in the kitchen ‘cooking’ over a hot stove, oven and tons of dishes. Raw means quick, easy and fun. Even your kids will love it!

Recipes for 100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats

What do you have to lose? Start getting healthier today!

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